BBQ Pickled Eggs

Ingredients for Brine:

  • 1 cup white vinegar

  • 1/2 cup white wine vinegar

  • 1/2 cup George’s BBQ sauce (regular or hot; or any Carolina vinegar-based sauce)

  • 2 cups water

  • Pickling spice (including dried hot pepper pod(s))

  • Boil hard 2-3 minutes to incorporate the pickling spice ingredients


  1. Make 18 hard-boiled eggs according to the above directions

  2. In a non-reactive jar or container, add 7-8 cloves garlic and 4 or 5 slices of sweet onion (Vidalia)

  3. Add peeled hard-boiled eggs and cover with the hot pickling brine

  4. Let cool on the countertop and then move to fridge for at least one week

  5. Hide the container behind all those bbq sauce jars and the mayonnaise jar etc. or else you’re going to want to sneak them before they’re fully pickled and at full flavor, which will be in the window of 7-10 days! They’ll keep for quite a while, but if left too long, the egg will start to break down a bit and make the brine really cloudy and murky

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